Version WinTen²⁺ (.NET) Maintenance Release Notes

Release Date: 5/7/2012
Program Version:

Following is a summary of the corrections and enhancements included in the Tenmast Software WinTen²⁺ (.NET) Maintenance Release with the release date of 5/7/2012.

Framework Release Notes

HIP Release Notes

Work Order Release Notes



1. If you add a Development to an AMP, the system will now automatically check the ACC (Annual Contribution Contract) checkbox for all Units in that Development. Likewise, if you remove a Development from an AMP, the system will now automatically uncheck the ACC checkbox for all Units in that Development. (Case 2673)

Path: Home tab menu > Setup > AMP Setup > AMP Setup screen

The ACC checkbox field is on the Maintain Unit Information screen.

Path: TenCentral > Occupancy and Rent Calculation or Work Orders > Main Menu > Units > Browse Unit Information screen > Maintain Unit Information screen > Main tab > ACC checkbox



1. We have added two new KPIs, PHAS Occupancy Rate and PHAS TAR Score. Each KPI has two views, by AMP and by Development. (Cases 2699 and 2700)

Path: Home tab menu > HIP > KPI > KPI screen > KPI drop-down list > PHAS: Occupancy Rate and PHAS: TAR Score

Work Order


1. For agencies who use Work Orders⁺, we have added screens for the following Setup records: Charges, Crafts, Crews, Data Area Development Setup, Dispatch, Employees, Job Codes, Settings, Shifts, Work Codes, Work Order Causes, Work Order Priorities, Work Order Statuses, and Work Order Types. (Cases 2359, 2645, 2649, 2650, 2799, 2807, 2811, 2814, 2815, 2831, 2834, 2904, 2959, and 2961.)

Path: Home tab menu > Maintenance > Setup

2. Agencies who use Work Orders⁺ can now define the formatting and sequencing of Work Order numbers and Preventive Maintenance numbers on the new Tenmast Sequence Setup screen. (Case 2830)

Path: Home tab menu > Setup > Tenmast Sequence Setup

3. Agencies who use Work Orders⁺ can now maintain Work Order Policies on the new Tenmast Policy Setup screen. (Case 2617)

Path: Home tab menu > Setup > Tenmast Policy Setup

4. We have added Preventive Maintenance functionality to Work Orders⁺. (Case 2417)

Path: Home tab menu > Maintenance > Preventive Maintenance and Preventive Maintenance Search

5. We have added Assign Work Orders functionality to Work Orders⁺. (Case 2963)

Path: Home tab menu > Maintenance > Assign Work Orders

6. Your agency can now define a default Craft to be used when adding employee labor to a work order. (Case 408)

Path: Home tab menu > Maintenance >Work Order > Work Order screen > Employee tab > Add Labor button

Your agency can define this by setting a value for the DefCraft policy ("Default craft when adding labor") in Setup.

Path: Home tab menu > Setup > Tenmast Policy Setup

The Craft defined in the policy will take effect for any employee with that Craft assigned on the Work Order Employee Setup screen.

Path: Home tab menu > Maintenance > Setup > Employees > Work Order Employee Setup screen > AMP Invoice Rates tab

7. When downloading work orders to a handheld, the program will now exclude deleted work orders. (Case 2618)
8. For Work Order reports, we have added the following data sources to Scribe: Work Order (Single Table), Work Order Job Codes (Single Table), Work Order Labor (Single Table), and Work Order Charges (Single Table). (Case 2730)

Path: Home tab menu > Scribe > Designer > Scribe Designer screen > Data Source icon

Path: Home tab menu > Scribe > Vision > Scribe Vision screen > Open icon > Browse Scribe Data Sources screen

9. If there is only one Job Code on a work order, the program will now automatically set that as the default Job Code when you add charges or employee labor to that work order. (Case 2766)

Path: Home tab menu > Maintenance > Work Order > Work Order screen > Charges tab > Add Charge button

Path: Home tab menu > Maintenance > Work Order > Work Order screen > Employee tab > Add Labor button

Bug Reports

1. The program would not allow you to enter a work order for a previous tenant. This has been corrected. (Case 2785)

Path: Home tab menu > Maintenance > Work Order > Work Order (New) screen > Main tab > Tenant field

2. An error would occur when you saved a work order assignment for an employee. This has been corrected. (Case 3007)

Path: Home tab menu > Maintenance > Assign Work Orders > Assign Work Orders screen > Save icon

3. An error would occur when you saved a new Preventive Maintenance work order. This has been corrected. (Case 2795)

Path: Home tab menu > Maintenance > Preventive Maintenance > Preventive Maintenance (New) screen > Save icon

4. We corrected two errors that could occur when completing work orders. A user-privilege error prevented some users from having access to the Complete Work Order screen. The Complete Work Order screen would also sometimes display the error, "String was not recognized as a valid Boolean." These errors have been corrected. (Cases 2682 and 3009)

Path: Home tab menu > Maintenance > Work Order > Work Order screen > Actions icon drop-down list > Complete Work Order

5. When you complete the final vacancy fix-up work order for a unit, the system should automatically create a "ready to lease" activity in the unit's Activity Log. (The Activity Type depends on your agency's policy setting in Work Order Setup, but it will correspond to a PHAS Event of "Vacant: Ready to Lease.") The system was failing to create the unit activity record. This has been corrected. (Case 2780)

Path: Home tab menu > Maintenance > Work Order > Work Order screen > PHAS Code field: "VFW - Vacancy Fix-up Work Order"

Path: TenCentral > Work Orders > Work Order main menu > Units > Browse Unit Information screen > Maintain Unit Information screen > Activity Log tab

6. The program incorrectly included Preventive Maintenance work orders from data areas that had been inactivated for work orders or had been deleted. This has been corrected. (Case 2823)

Path: Home tab menu > Maintenance > Preventive Maintenance Search

7. If a work order was generated from the Public Housing Desktop Inspections program and you completed it from Work Orders⁺, the system failed to mark the work order as completed in the Inspections program. This has been corrected. (Case 2768)

Path: Home tab menu > Maintenance > Work Order > Work Order screen > Actions icon drop-down list > Complete Work Order

Path: TenCentral > Public Housing Desktop Inspections > Main Menu > Edit/Delete Inspections > Browse Inspections screen > Inspection Detail screen > Deficiencies tab > Completed column

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An MRI Software Company